Post composite insulator

Post composite insulator

Category : Polymer Insulator

Product Introduction:

This product is applied to high voltage power line service.And have features of good gydrophobicity, anti-ageing,anti-leakage trace and electric erode proof,tensile strength and bending strength,strong mechanical strength,shock resistance good quakeproof and brittle failure proof,light weight,easy to installation,and the in stallation size of top and base are the same size with porcelainpin type, they can exchange to use each other.


Main technical parameters:

Model Rated voltage Rated mechanical bending load(KN) Structure height H.(mm) Insulating distance Li.(mm) Min Creepage distance (mm) Diameter of shed D.(mm) Lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak)(kV) P.F. withstand voltage(virtual value) (kV)
FZSW-10/4 10 4 215 125 290 100/90 75 42
FZSW-24/8 24 8 300 220 750 133/93 150 65
FZSW-35/6 35 6 450 360 946 148/118 185 95
FZSW-66/6 66 6 760 630 1886 160/130 410 185
FZSW-66/10 66 10 760 630 2010 220/190 410 185
FZSW-110/10 110 10 1220 1080 3530 220/190 500 230
FZSW-220/8 220 8 2440 2200 7060 220/190 1000 395




Tel:+86-591-87533017, 88000103,
88000107, 88000113, 88000115


3/F NO. 91 Taiyu Rd, Fuwan Pian,
Jinshan Industrial zone, Fuzhou,PRC 350008


sales3@bonle.com; sales5@bonle.com
sales6@bonle.com; sales8@bonle.com




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